Are You Weary?
I Am Weary, But I Will Prevail
These days many people are feeling weary. There is just so much going on with the Covid 19 virus, the economy, social issues, and even things like job, school, or just putting food on the table. With all this on people’s plates, it is no wonder that they are tired and weary. This Bible study is about a man named Agur. He is the author of Proverbs 30. He makes a statement at the beginning of this chapter in Proverbs saying he was weary but then he said, “I will prevail.” How could he say this?
This study goes into why he was able to say this and what he asked from God when he was weary. I believe that by examining the first few verses of this chapter in Proverbs, we can learn what we can do when we feel weary. You can find this study on the Reflections on People page on my website or just click the button below.
Hope that you enjoy this study.